"Very great change starts from very small conversations, held among people that care" - Margaret Wheatley
Who We Are
Welcome to Mike Mullins Consulting Ltd. We specialise in helping individuals, teams and organisations be the best they can be. We give individuals and teams insight, clarity and confidence in the unique contribution they can make as leaders. Leaving them with a greater self-awareness, deeper sense of personal power, resilience and purpose in order to lead change.
Our work is focused on leadership development, one-to-one coaching, team coaching, client relationship skills and culture change.
Our approach to learning is rooted in four core principles:
Real to work and life - In all our work with individuals, teams and groups we help people learn from doing rather than theory. Using innovative learning approaches, such as working with actors and business simulations, all our learning is behaviourally focused, practical and challenging and can be applied immediately back in work.
Strengths focused - people and teams learn, perform and find real fulfilment when they know and embody who they are at their best. In our work we help individuals and teams express who they are at their best.
Holistic - people are complex and diverse in their needs and motivations. We believe learning isn't just about knowledge and behaviour but needs to be holistic, attending to the different, intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of people, if they are to grow and become even more effective as leaders in their organisations.
Systemic - leaders operate in systems, what Barry Oshry calls "tops, middle and bottoms". Helping leaders become more aware of how unconscious patterns of thinking and behaviour in systems can undermine partnership is key to enabling them to operate effectively as system leaders.
In all of this we bring a warm-hearted, empathetic style, balanced with insight, challenge, intellectual rigour and focus on the needs of the business.
Mike Mullins Consulting Ltd draws on a number of Associates with a depth of experience across a range of different sectors; healthcare, professional services, finance, education and not for profit.
More About Me
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King
As part of it's wider commitment to social justice and ecological sustainability, Mike Mullins Consulting Ltd donates a percentage of its monthly profits to A Rocha and CAFOD, two charities inspired by their deep spiritual roots. A Rocha works for the conservation and restoration of our fast disappearing natural world, whilst CAFOD works with compassion, solidarity and hope to help our sisters and brothers living in extreme poverty to reach their full potential, regardless of religion or culture .
A Rocha - arocha.org/en/
"Conservation and hope"
CAFOD The international development charity for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. - cafod.org.uk
"Standing beside people in poverty whatever their religion or culture"